School is almost out and summer is here! With summer fast approaching, that means that camp is about to be in full swing. Are you ready to send your camper off to camp? Regardless if it's a day camp or sleep away camp, there are some basics every camper needs, including ...
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Valentines Day is a fun excuse to eat candy, give gifts, and celebrate love! But, for parents, it can be another stressor to make sure you get it done just right (or at all!). We want to help ease the burden a bit because we're parents too, and we...
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As an organization ZAG is committed to network, educate, inform and connect independent Zoo, Wild Life Centers, and Aquarium Buyers worldwide while maintaining a conscience of conservation and a con...
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We love Sunnies, and we know you will too. But, if you've been on the fence about your first purchase of Sunnies (the best polarized kids sunglasses on the market!), check out these awesome reviews to ease your mind! These are honest reviews from people who have tri...
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It’s time for Spring Ball, and baseball and softball seasons are getting ready to kick off with their opening ceremonies right around the corner. Even if you’re not here in Houston, you know what we’re talking about… Outfitting your team is now a sport in itself! It takes t...
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We’ve all been there… it’s Christmas Eve and you’re out getting those dreaded last minute stocking stuffers while dealing with a crowded mob and zero parking options. Here at Sunnies Shades, we decided to try and help you out by taking some of the stress o...
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Most adults have a natural reaction to grab for their sunglasses before heading out the door. It’s instinct to put them on when we find ourselves squinting because it’s a bright, sunny day. Sunglasses are something that most adults wear on a daily basis, but how often are o...
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It’s that time of the year when hopefully Houston weather is starting to cool down a bit 🤞, the pumpkins come out to decorate everyone’s front porch, everything is flavored in pumpkin spice, and Halloween costume shopping is taking place!Read more

You may be wondering why our sunglasses come standard with polarized lenses… what does that even mean?? Well, polarized lenses are a very important part of our sunglasses because they not only help to protect your kiddos eyes, but they also allow for clearer vision in brigh...
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